Column Food

Food Security

The UK imports over 60% of its food. Not a very clever strategy for any country that looks to be self-reliant and take back control of its borders. Government figures reveal that the UK relies on imports for roughly 40% of its food according to 2022 data.

Since Brexit we have been importing food from out with Europe, where animal welfare and safety are not to high standards. In desperation we are currently importing foods like meat and dairy products both processed and unprocessed from countries that do not have robust and strong regulatory institutions like our European counterparts and the UK. It’s mindboggling to see the direction of travel the country has taken since Brexit and the pandemic. I remember politicians and bureaucrats making talking points during the pandemic that a drastic change is needed to plan a new path forward for the country’s food security while also taking in to account the impact of climate change on our environment and food production. Once the politicians got the green light that the pandemic was over and citizens could go back to work, everything was instantly forgotten, the pain, suffering, desperation of millions were being sacrificed again for politicians and corporation to take advantage of the changed landscape.

Many locals across the country were growing their own food as they realised the folly of depending on imports to live a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many of these enthusiastic new growers abandoned their motivation to go back and join the rat race of our modern economic system. Food growers, especially the young, should be inspired and encouraged to take on farming, not chemical farming i.e., growing food the natural way and without the use of expensive pesticides and fertilisers that often trap farmers into debt. These chemicals also poison our land, water and our ecosystem in the long term by causing health issues to not only the growers but consumers. Our education system is not fit for purpose and has not evolved over time. Many of you know that the current educational system was setup during the industrial revolution as companies needed cheap labour, hence the setting up of schools, followed by creche services to also include women. We were enticed into an economic lifestyle that ultimately benefitted the rich, while the poor were left to pick up the pieces of their now ruined social, family and financial health due to government resources ploughed into making the rich richer!

Can the council along-with the Scottish and UK governments work together with locals across the country rural or urban to provide subsidised land for growing? At the same time, can our educational regulators and institutions work together with professionals in the fields of food and growing to help support our young people take-up food as a subject in all its forms and introduce these topics in school curriculums?

Published in The Peeblesshire News on Friday 23rd August 2024


Healthy Breakfast For New Moms

Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Moms After Childbirth

Here are a few quick, easy, but healthy breakfast ideas for new moms, including ones that can be shared with your little one.

New mom prepares avocado toast for breakfast with a young child.
A collection of healthy breakfast options, including a big bowl of fruit, a bowl of fruit and oats, avocados, and a nectarine.

Once you become a mother, all of a sudden, your primary interests are that of your newborn child, so much so that new parents sometimes forget to feed themselves. Nutrition-wise, after childbirth, a mother actually needs to start eating a little more, not less, as you need the extra energy to aid
recovery post-childbirth (especially if you’re breastfeeding!) 1 .

After all, they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that’s largely true. Without being too scientific, it gives you the necessary energy to start the day off properly. With that in mind, here are 3 healthy breakfast ideas, plus a little tip if you plan on letting your little ones nab a taste!

Overnight Oats

Eating oats is a fantastic way to start your day. Going beyond the health benefits of lowering blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of heart disease, they are also packed with B vitamins and lots of different minerals and are yummy and versatile.

You can either be a really organised meal planner and make the overnight oats yourself (which is quite simple!) or you can buy a pre-made mix. Both of these are good options but making them yourself can be quite gratifying. It can be something you prep overnight and eat in the morning.

There are so many flavours to choose from, and that’s why it’s such a great idea. You could go for:

  • Vanilla and strawberries
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Spiced pear
  • Chia, almond, and berries
    These – plus many more. There is a ton of choice, just think of two main component ingredients you’d enjoy, and build on it from there.

Avocado Toast

Over the last decade especially, this has become a popular option, not only for new mothers but also for health-oriented people in general. For good reason too, it is a very simple dish that allows you to add any ingredient you may be craving. For extra protein, some people like to add poached or fried eggs, while others like to add extra veggies such as tomatoes, onions, radishes, etc.

It’s really up to you, what do you think would go nicely with avocado? Feel free to get creative but try to stay healthy when doing so by using topping such as seeds, chilli flakes, etc. This means you can add variety to your breakfast, without compromising on nutrition. You can either slice or mash your avocado. When making this recipe, it could be a neat way of introducing your baby to avocado as a food. As soon as your baby can eat solids, which is typically 6 months after birth, start cutting your avocado into slices (the same way you’d slice an apple), and feed a couple of them to your baby.

Although, be ready for some burps! Due to the good fats and essential fibre in avocado, the rate of digestion for the food is relatively high, and therefore the risk of gas being produced is higher 2 . Our go-to method of how to burp a baby is to simply hold your baby’s bottom with your left arm and pat the baby’s back gently with your right arm, which will usually do the trick and get that gas out safely.

Tip: If you’re looking for a more in-depth guide on how to burp a baby (with more methods if the one we mentioned didn’t work!), click here.

Yogurt Parfait

To finish with a fun and super easy healthy breakfast idea – yogurt parfait. While a yogurt bowl is a good alternative in a pinch, turning one into a parfait might not be as challenging as you’d think. Just grab your yogurt of choice (Greek yogurt is preferred due to it being rather a nutritious option), and layer it in a bowl or jar full of berries, oats, and fruit of your choice. Although, to keep it quick, choose fruits that you don’t have to slice.

It’s as simple as that for this idea! Just make sure to pat your berries or fruit of choice dry before putting them in the bowl or jar, as we don’t want any excess liquids making their way into the parfait.

Overall, a healthy breakfast can help a new mother start their day in the best way possible, full of energy. By trying out a few of these recipes, you’ll have a few in the memory bank that are easy to make, super tasty, and most importantly, very healthy!

1 Food and Nutrition for New Moms After Childbirth, WebMD
2 Are avocados high in fat?, British Heart Foundation


Food and Nutrition for New Moms After Childbirth

Photo by Yuri Shirota on Unsplash

A woman and a man cooking together in front of a stove.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

After childbirth, nursing mothers need around 500 additional calories in their regular diet to create a healthy lifestyle and produce adequate breast milk to feed their baby.1 So, after the incredible intensity of childbirth, it is vital that new mothers reflect upon their lifestyle and choose a balanced diet that will help them post-partum. This article will outline three things new mothers should consider when developing their nutritional plans.

Maintaining a high-protein diet:

Amongst the chaos of new motherhood, when you’re preparing baby bottles and frantically dealing with all this new responsibility, it can be hard to find time to prepare food for yourself. You will need meals that are quick and easy to make but also keep you full longer during the day. That’s where high-protein meals come in to save the day. An article by Healthline1 highlighted that eating high-protein meals will reduce your hunger levels and will keep you fuller during your busy day. Protein can come from a range of foods: fish, lean beef, chicken, but also legumes and beans if you’re eating a more plant-based diet. For example, eggs are a great source of protein, and if you’re short on time, you can always meal prep a batch of egg muffins for a quick meal. Increasing your protein intake does not have to be a complicated task, it can be easy as meal-prepping something quick and efficient that you can eat throughout the week!

The benefits of snacking:

As mentioned above, finding the time to prepare meals for yourself can feel like an impossible task for a new mother, and sometimes, it can be easier to just binge easy-access junk food instead of healthy meals. Some new families might have benefitted from gracious food donations from friends and family during the early days of life with a newborn but eventually, it’ll be time to adjust your life back to home-cooked meals.

A great way to combat this is by meal prepping quick, healthy snacks that you can eat throughout the day. This way, you can still maintain your healthy diet whilst dedicating your time to your newborn. 

Preparing snacks is not a time-consuming task, it can be as simple as having a bowl of blueberries or popcorn or indulging in chocolate peanut butter dates. These snacks are nutritious and require minimal time on your part. So, while you’re preparing baby bottles, folding laundry, or watching your baby nap, munch on these snacks and keep yourself full! 

Staying hydrated:

When you’re busy monitoring the liquid intake of your newborn and measuring the exact ounces of milk they’ve consumed, it is important to remember that monitoring your level of hydration is just as necessary after childbirth. 

Research shows that dehydration in a nursing mother can cause decreased milk production, fatigue, and frequent headaches. For new mothers, it’s best to invest in a new water bottle that you use throughout the day in intervals.

When your baby is down for a nap, take the time to have some water, or indulge in fruits or vegetables with a high-water content, such as watermelons or cucumbers. Keeping yourself hydrated is crucial for post-partum nutrition and for any balanced diet. 

Overall, food and nutrition after childbirth is something every new mother needs to take the time to consider. By setting yourself up for a healthy diet early on, you’re creating a long-term lifestyle that you and your body will benefit from and will ultimately turn you into a great role model for your child. Don’t make any drastic or sudden changes to your normal diet, or the diet you’ve adapted during your pregnancy, but these are great ways to begin looking thoughtfully at your nutrition.

1 Nutrition and Sleep Postpartum: New Mom Services at UPMC Magee-Womens in Central Pa, University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre,,of%20fresh%20fruits%20and%20vegetables 

210 Science-Backed Reasons to Eat More Protein, Healthline,,4%20%2C%205%2C%206%20 

Column Health

Organisation and Meal Planning Tips for Busy Men

Four glass containers with meal-prepped healthy pasta and salad dishes.
Photo by S’well on Unsplash

Being organised isn’t always easy when you’ve got a hectic schedule. From early mornings to late
nights and responsibilities that take up a great deal of time, it can be hard to plan for meals or
consider adding exercise to your daily or weekly routine. But being organised doesn’t have to be
difficult. Here are some ways that you can help organise yourself, your mind, and your life, and
benefit in the long run.

The benefits of meal-planning:

Meal planning can sound daunting, but in reality, it is a very easy practice to adopt that will become
second nature in no time. Meal planning essentially involves prepping meals for the rest of the
week. For example, on Sunday you could meal plan for the following week by preparing five to seven
portions of overnight oats, or pasta salads that can be kept in the fridge, or freezer. Then when the
time comes, all you have to do is grab your meal, heat it up if needed, and go on with the rest of
your day.

The benefit of this type of organisation is that it makes the rest of your busy week more manageable
and less stressful in the kitchen. When meal planning, you don’t have to worry about preparing daily
breakfast, lunch, or dinner for yourself. It’s less stressful and less time-consuming.

Meal planning also doesn’t have to be for all three meals of the day.

If you’re the type who always
struggles to get breakfast in time, then meal prepping breakfast for the following week will solve
that problem. Similarly, if you don’t have time during the day to prepare lunch or dinner, having
ready-made meals is a quick and easy solution to make sure your diet is nutritious and filling even
during busy times.

If you’re in need of some inspiration for what healthy recipe you could meal prep, check out this
video on homemade egg muffins. These can be stored up to three days in the fridge and you can
customise the recipe for whatever vegetables you prefer.

Scheduling in exercise:

Once you begin meal planning, the next life organisation area you could focus on is your physical
(and ultimately also your mental) health and fitness. Now that you’re managing your food intake
through meal planning, organising your exercise routine is equally important, and helpful, to
maintain a healthy lifestyle.

First, you need to have a routine that isn’t overly taxing. You need energy to go on with the rest of
your day and you don’t want to spend it all on intense fitness routines. So, this means finding a quick
twenty-to-thirty-minute workout that you can schedule into your day. This can be running, morning
spin classes, weightlifting, or whatever makes you feel energised for the rest of your day.

If working out in a gym or going to classes isn’t your thing, why not try regular walks on your lunch
break or before or after work. Maybe you can also think about splitting your commute into partially
public transport and a walk to get your daily steps in.

But where do you schedule in any additional exercise? It will probably seem unappealing at first, but
research shows that waking up early is beneficial for your daily routine. Waking up early, before your
work or responsibilities require your time, gives you extra time to spend on yourself. So, much like
meal planning, you should prepare yourself a gym bag—with a portable electric shaver, your work
clothes, and your essentials—and wake up just an hour earlier to squeeze in that morning routine.

Taking time for self-care:

An important part of being organised is taking time out for self-care – to reflect, ground yourself and
take care of your mental health. Meal planning, and exercising are aimed at improving wellness, as is
self-care. For men with busy schedules, it can sometimes be difficult to prioritise self-care. And it’s
often not on the top of the priority list for many men. However, an article by BetterUp shows that
self-care benefits those experiencing burnout and who want to improve their mental health. 1
Thereby making self-care vital when organising your week.

Self-care will look different for each person. For some, it can be meal planning or exercising such as
working out or going for a refreshing walk in nature, and for others, it can be treating yourself to the
latest grooming kits, electric shavers, cologne, or more. Self-care is about finding something that not
only appeals to you, but that you can fit into your busy work week, and that ultimately makes you
feel at your best!

Overall, organising yourself and your life is all about making small, flexible changes which can
hopefully improve your well-being. Three great ways to add this structure to your busy lifestyle are:
meal planning, scheduled exercise, and self-care.


5th Sep 2022

Bosco with some ingredients for cooking up a healthy meal in Peebles – teaching others in communities to do the same along with other community cooks.

This week Bosco Santimano founder and executive director of social enterprise You Can Cook, shares his thoughts in his final column on the Scottish governments plans to make it mandatory for restaurants, pubs and takeaways in Scotland to include the number of calories in our food and drinks.

In April this year, Maree Todd MSP – Minister for Public Health, Women’s Health and Sport in the Scottish Government launched a public consultation on plans to make calorie labelling on menus mandatory in restaurants, takeaways, cafes and even hospitals. This consultation fulfils a pledge made in the SNP’s 2021 Out of Home Action Plan. The Plan builds on the commitments made in the 2018 Diet and Healthy Weight Delivery Plan and recommendations made by Food Standards Scotland (FSS) to Scottish Ministers in 2019. Mandating calorie labelling at the point of choice was one potential way to support the Out of Home (OOH) sector to make a key contribution in improving the dietary health of all Scottish citizens. Pre-packed food is not within the scope of these proposals as there are already requirements to provide nutrition information for pre-packed food. Pre-packed food for direct sale (PPDS) is within the scope of these proposals. Similar legislation is already in place in England, where any food serving outlet with over 250 employees have been legally required to display calories since April 2022.

In a recent survey Beat, the UK’s eating disorder charity found 95% of Scots affected by eating disorders would be negatively impacted by calorie labelling on menus, with many worried it would increase feelings of fear and guilt.  So, what happens now? Will this add fuel to the fire? There has been an increase of people suffering from various eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia since the last decade. Young people have been facing the brunt of this epidemic as peer pressure and constant shaming on social media has led to some even resorting to suicide. This policy of the Scottish government has the potential to wreak havoc with people’s lives and exacerbate the problem even more. As an organisation, we believe focus should be on informing and educating people about the positive or negative impact about the food and drinks they consume on a daily basis. Young people should be exposed to cooking from a very young age eg. Primary and secondary schools. 

Consultant Psychiatrist in eating disorders Dr Stephen Anderson, said: “There is no good evidence that this kind of calorie labelling is effective in reducing obesity. We also hear from people with eating disorders that this would have a detrimental effect on their eating disorder. Calories are one aspect of nutritional information but on its own this figure is not particularly helpful”.

“Suggesting that people need a specific number of calories does not take into account the individual’s physiology, gender, race and activity. This could be particularly harmful for children and young people where limiting calorie and nutritional intake can have significant impacts on development. A wider public health initiative looking at social and economic determinants of obesity and improving the population’s nutrition is likely to be more beneficial than listing calorie content on menus”.

We completely agree with the above statement as this is not how food should be consumed. Cooking and eating should be a joy and is meant to be spontaneous and inspiring for all who indulge in this life sustaining activity. It does not make sense to have people removing their calculators or apps to decide what they can and cannot have depending on the total calories highlighted on the menu. This will have a negligible impact on the very issue the government is trying to address and eradicate.

Finally, I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Peeblesshire News and readers of my column for supporting my personal and organisations views and opinions over the years. Thank You.

Published in The Peeblesshire News on Friday 26th August 2022