This week Bosco Santimano, founder and executive director of social enterprise You Can Cook, shares his thoughts on recovering from the festive season.
It’s the end of the festive season and many are probably feeling physically and mentally exhausted, bloated and depressed. In my December column I wrote about how to avoid eating foods that are detrimental to our health during the festive season as prevention is better than cure. But for most of us it may have been an uphill task sticking to the do’s and don’ts mentioned in my article. So here are a few tips and suggestions to get you back in shape quickly and safely without resorting to a crash diet or hours of exercise in order to lose the extra pounds gained.
We all can be tempted to eat less especially high fat foods like processed meats but it’s very important to keep eating foods like veggies, fruits and plant based proteins in order to feel our bodies are receiving the right amount of nourishment. Our bodies will need to go through a proper cleansing process in order to feel vibrant and energised. Start each day in the new year with a cup of warm water preferably with a few drops of fresh lemon added as this will help detoxify the body. Avoid alcohol and caffeine during this period and switch to Green tea if possible as it is full of antioxidants but bear in mind to keep it a maximum of two cups a day as it still contains caffeine! As mentioned earlier switch to steamed vegetables, soups and smoothies and avoid eating a meal after 7pm. Drinking plenty of water will keep your body hydrated and will reduce your desire to eat/snack often during the day.
Sugar is one of the big culprits and we need to reduce our intake substantially during this detoxifying period. Eating a full breakfast will help you to avoid snacking before lunch and sticking to fruits and nuts after lunch as light snacks will keep you going comfortably until dinner. Make sure to have a light lunch, like a salad or brown bread as a base for your sandwich, keeping in mind to avoid any processed meats.
Get a good night’s sleep and avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime. Resting your mind and eyes during this process will help you feel better and more energised and resort to power napping during the day especially after lunch if you can as this can work wonders if you suffer from sleep deprivation. Please remember there are pros and cons to detoxifying; benefits include increased energy and sleep, while downsides are headaches and nausea. While these are just a few examples its best to consult your Doctor if you have any underlying health condition or just for advice and support. Don’t give up as its usually the first three days that can be extremely difficult and feels almost impossible to continue the detoxification process. These are just normal withdrawal symptoms and will go away once your body gets adjusted to this new routine.
So here is wishing you all a Healthy and Happy New Year 2020!
*Originally written & published in the Peeblesshire News.